all postcodes in L36 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L36 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L36 2JZ 2 0 53.416647 -2.859692
L36 2LA 27 0 53.419918 -2.854717
L36 2LB 19 0 53.419655 -2.855118
L36 2LD 16 0 53.41916 -2.85386
L36 2LE 19 1 53.418907 -2.852771
L36 2LF 3 2 53.417313 -2.852047
L36 2LG 12 0 53.416777 -2.853992
L36 2LH 16 0 53.419375 -2.855203
L36 2LJ 16 0 53.419486 -2.856078
L36 2LL 10 2 53.41899 -2.85509
L36 2LN 34 0 53.417993 -2.861224
L36 2LP 4 0 53.420635 -2.856312
L36 2LQ 21 0 53.419137 -2.853363
L36 2LR 26 0 53.417763 -2.861882
L36 2LS 23 0 53.419463 -2.856815
L36 2LT 34 0 53.418829 -2.859977
L36 2LU 37 0 53.418552 -2.863462
L36 2LW 38 0 53.419196 -2.857622
L36 2LX 28 0 53.41925 -2.862589
L36 2LY 9 0 53.419693 -2.862342